суббота, 29 марта 2014 г.

download Next Stop LA Metrolink free android app

Next Stop LA Metrolink


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Southern California's best Metrolink application!

Ever wanted to ride the the Metrolink in Los Angeles but not sure where the stations are located? Have you ever needed to know what time a train will arrive or where it will head to and what time it will be there?

Next Stop provides all the route information for all 7 Metrolink routes:

Antelope Valley

Inland Empire - Orange County

Orange County


San Bernardino


91 Line

Information such as arrival time at a specific station, originating location and terminating location for each Metrolink Train, bike car availability per train is provided.

Additionally, Metrolink provides twitter updates for trains if there will be delays. Next Stop receives all feeds and there is no need to activate a personal twitter account!

Is there a bike car on this train?

If I leave from Santa Ana on the Orange County Line, what time will I arrive in Orange ?

Will a train be late, Alerts feature gives your instant access to any Metrolink route updates.

Route Info Updated September 30, 2013!

Remember, please add a review in the Google Play Store and send feedback/suggestions on twitter @nextstop_app or Facebook http://ift.tt/1cgz95t

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