пятница, 11 июля 2014 г.

free Trading Card Value torrent download

Trading Card Value


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Kardsharq will determine the hi, low and average price of your baseball card, football card, basketball card (and more).

Kardsharq allows you to enter your baseball card, football card, basketball card, hockey card (and more!) information in a search bar (Basic Search) or select from a list of drop down values (Assisted

Search) and will retrieve your baseball card, football card, basketball card, hockey card (and more!) value based on what is for sale and what has been sold in the last 15 days.

Kardsharq will allow you to save a searched baseball card, football card, basketball card, hockey card (and more!) into your portfolio for easy access (registration is required for this...it is free).

Once a card has been added to your portfolio, you can enter your purchase price and kardsharq will determine the increase/decrease price of your baseball card, football card, basketball card, hockey card (and more!)

just like a stock. You can also select a baseball card, football card, basketball card, hockey card, etc. and have kardsharq update the price.

Please rate and review. We are always wanting to improve the app!

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