воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

download Weather Tab LWP free android app

Weather Tab LWP


Download .apk

Live wallpaper showing current weather and 3-day forecast on your screen.

- Russian and English languages

- Partial (weather information on homescreen) translation to Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian, German, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Finnish, Dutch, French, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified

- Real time weather animation

- Colorful weather icons (different for day and night)

- Imperial and metric measure units

- Get location via gps/network autolocation or by entering in settings menu

- Changeable font color

If you see a black screen or damaged picture after applying wallpaper, just re-apply wallpaper or restart your device.


Download .apk

Reality cuts delusion in the mind of Arthur Poppington , a regular man who adopts a superhero persona Defendor Defendor, and combs the city streets at night in search of his arch-enemy, Captain Industry. In his attempts to combat crime and bring Captain Industry, a drug and weapons dealer who he mistakenly blamed for the death of his mother Defendor ends up befriending a young prostitute named Kat download Weather Tab LWP 1.7.2 for free . Armed with unconventional weapons of mass destruction confusion, aided by his new friend, and put life on the line, Defendor proves that everyone is capable of making a difference.

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