Hair Dresser Pro
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Hair Dresser Pro is an app specifically designed to enable hair dressers to easily administer and grow their business.
Build and maintain a client list through a user-friendly interface. Store information about pricing, the services you offer and formulas you use. Create appointments in seconds. View your daily schedule. The app provides all the features you need to run your business from your phone.
But I don't just want you to be able to easily run your business, I want to enable you to easily and inexpensively grow your business. Hair Dresser Pro has 2 features that run automatically (automagically) in the background.
The first feature is sending reminder messages. You set the times the reminders are sent and the reminder message that is sent to your customers. The app sends the messages automatically. The benefit to your business is there are fewer missed appointments which should increase your turnover.
The second feature makes use of an important business asset. Your client list. You can set an advertising message to be sent to your clients. Direct marketing via SMS messaging is one of the hottest trends in marketing today. Companies like Apple, FaceBook and Google are trying desperately to gather user's mobile numbers. The reason is that SMS messages have readership rates greater than 95% and one of the highest conversion rates of any advertising media. You will know yourself that if you get an SMS, you usually read it. This makes your client list a potential goldmine for your business. The difference for you is that you are not converting or "cold calling" your clients. They already have a business relationship with you and they know what services you offer.
By sending a message like "...come back next week and I'll give you a 10% discount" you can increase your turnover. Sending a message like "...come back next week, bring a friend, and I'll give you a 10% discount" can double your client list.
I don't want you to have to just take my word that this app can grow your business. If it's not measurable, it's not marketing, so I have included a feature where you can export the data in the database. You can import the data into a spreadsheet like Excel and prove to your self that you are getting a return on investment (ROI).
I'm a software developer not a hair dresser. I think I've covered most of the features required to run and grow your business. If you have any recommendations that will enhance this app, please contact me and give me details of what you'd like to have the app do for you. If I can find a way to incorporate the features requested, I'll send you a free copy of the upgrade.
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I just got from Sony large presentation at ShoWest in Las Vegas and in addition to some teaser of their summer line-up, they debuted the first material from Peter Jackson's the big summer action film District 9 You 've probably never film movie, right? We wrote a great article about it back in July last year, after a major viral hit in the halls of Comic-Con . Knows about it, most people have never heard of it, and it is a very small production with a small cast free Hair Dresser Pro 1.1 torrent download . In fact, no one knows when its been shooting! But the material was great, and this is one you should definitely keep your eyes peeled!
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