воскресенье, 10 августа 2014 г.

download HikiPlayer Pro free android app

HikiPlayer Pro

Music & Audio

Download .apk

HikiPlayer is a lightweight folder based music player.

How to use:

You have 3 screens (can by switched with horizontal swipe):

-file manager for navigation and adding files and folders to playlist (you can add multiple folders to playlist);

-cover screen (shows albumart for current folder), you can switch folder here with verticall swipe;

-playlist (it shows only part for current folder!).


-Local lyrics search by tag

-Quick lyrics translation with extarnal apps

-Customizable text, background, icon color

-Customizable font, icon, seekbar size


-Auto-color mode (set colors based on album art image)

-СUE sheet support (if your device supports FLAC etc.)

-Embedded and external album art (cover.jpg, front.jpg etc.)

-Video playback (codecs supported by device)

-Supports subtitles (.srt)

-Last.fm scrobbling

-Playlist shuffle

-Sleep timer

-Supports headset buttons

-Decrease the volume on phone call

-Home screen widget

-Equalizer, bass boost, virtualizer

-Loading albumart from internet

-File operations

-Text viewer

-Image viewer

-Ad free

tags: mp3 folder audio video media player file manager browser viewer lyrics cover last.fm

Download .apk

Heat Vision reports Fox, the X - planned. First Class sequel to shoot in January, which will allow to shoot Lionsgate Catching Fire in August or September, as they would already planned Originally, the deal was for Lawrence to star in the hunger Games an influence on Lawrence for seven months, which means she would not. Be able to star in other films during that time, but that was after several complaints from other studios dropped dropped With Lionsgate search for a new director for Catching Fire find, it sounds like the X - Men: First Class sequel has Lawrence busy after picking up a bow and arrow again download HikiPlayer Pro 1.4.8 free android app .

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