USMLE® Step 2 CS 60 Cases
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Making Step 2 CS easier for you -by
- Application covers 60 most frequently asked cases for Step 2 CS Exam.
- Help you to learn common tips and standardize patient check list included in the case list to achieve higher score in CS exam.
- Prepared by expert Step 2 CS Professional
- Quickly reach to any case using ‘Category Wise’ case list (easiness in searching)
Actual Description
This App will make your CS exam preparation very easy.
It will help you to learn all three sub-components of CS exam.
1. Integrated Clinical Encounter (ICE)
-Data Gathering
-Patient note : You will find samples of ideal patient note.
2. Communication and Interpersonal Skills (CIS)
-Questioning skills
-Counseling skills
-Professional Manner and Rapport
3. Spoken English Proficiency (SEP)
-Each case has video - which help you to learn how to ask questions, pronounce difficult questions
-This app requires internet connection, wifi recommended
This App also covers very important points of CS exam.
-Things you need to remember before entering patient room
-Formulate Differential Diagnosis based on symptom
-How to start case
-How to take History of Present Illness (HPI)
-Dealing with difficult patient
-Answer challenging questions
-Counseling for alcohol abuse, smoking cessation, illegal drugs
-How to summarize history
-What to remember before starting physical exam
-Physical exam: which systems you should cover
-Closure : things you need to cover
***You will also get samples of patient note, so you can practice and be expert of it.***
You will get most frequently asked 60 cases and videos.
1. CVS: Hypertension, Palpitations
2. RS: Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Chronic Cough, Hemoptysis, Shortness Of Breath
3. GIS: Acute Abdomen-Pain, Constipation, Diarrhea In Male, Dysphagia, Hemetemesis, Janudice, Epigastric Pain, Nausea And Vomiting In Adult, Melena, Lower GI Bleeding
4. GU:Burning Micturition(Urination), Dyspareunia, Erectile Dysfunction, Difficulty In Urination In Elderly Male, Amenorrhea, First Ante Natal Visit, Hematuria, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, Hot Flushes In Elderly Female, Vaginal Discharge
5. CNS:Dizziness In Male, Headache – GCA, Headache- SAH, Headache – Meningitis, Headache – Migraine, Frequent Falls, Hearing Loss, Insomnia, Loss Of Consciousness, Memory Loss, Numbness And Weakness, Acute Vision Loss, Headache – GCA, Headache- SAH, Headache – Meningitis, Headache – Migraine, Frequent Falls, Hearing Loss, Insomnia, Loss Of Consciousness, Memory Loss, Numbness And Weakness, Acute Vision Loss
6. Pediatrics: Diarrhea In Child, Epistaxis, Vomiting In New Born, Fever In New Born
7. Musculoskeletal System: Ankle Pain, Elbow Pain, Heel Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Joint Pain, Shoulder Pain, Wrist Pain, Hip Pain
8. Additional cases: Diabetes Follow Up, Sickle Cell Disease- Acute Pain, Domestic Violence, Insurance Check Up, Sad Mood, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Pain Seeking Behavior
“Melissa: Interactive way of preparing for the CS”
“LUKMAN ABDURRAHIM IMAM: You have a comprehensive clinical case description”
“Asit Mishra: You have extensive collection of materials which will help me achieve my goal”
“Whogoes: You have focused description of the cases”
“Vellashinee Muniandy: Very beneficial information and videos which are easy to understand”
“Tejas: Best tutoring for USMLE Step 2 CS”
Disclaimer: The United States Medical Licensing Examination™ (USMLE™) is a joint program of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®).
None of the trademark holders are affiliated with
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